Monday, October 21, 2013

Shoe Sale !!!

hola chicas.

Well yesterday i went boot hunting an is so many styles at there the I absolutely love but unfortunately my wallet is no been to friendly with me but i refuse for that to stop me so looking foe some great deal i found some great styles at Target I'm sure you all have live that experience when you say I need to go get Shampoo at target in your mind you think I'm only going to look but when you live the store you end up with a full car of great styles the you cant pass on upps o well Styles does matters.
 But today you can score a 20% off on some great boot  Just by like in

I hope ya all score some big savings and share your target experience !!!!

I know one day i would get some followers lol !!!!

Do you want to score a  20% off on some super nice  boot

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Well my birthday is coming out in two more days so I'm making my wish list  so here is some new arrivals they i just spotted today !!!

Hello  I'm back  I decide to continue this adventure i love fashion and i will love to share my style with ya'll , I love to write about fashion but I'm really a little scared as you must know English is my second language but I'm learning so I hope you all follow my adventure!!!